Forum Discussion

ajlaporte's avatar
5 years ago

Backdating a message with create message API

Hello, we are trying to move over a blog from a website onto the Khoros community forum with their new blog feature. I am having an issue though as I need to be able to create a new message and assign it a timestamp that is in the past (so the content is dated correctly). 

It doesn't appear that you can supply a `post_time` variable with the post created via the API. Is there a way to turn this on so this is allowed? I know there is a "manual migration" feature that needs to be turned on to do it from the admin area but is there no way to do this in the API as well?

6 Replies

  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    5 years ago

    Hi ajlaporte, We do not have a public API that supports this. There might be a way for our Services team to help here, but I'm not sure to be honest ( TrippB AdamN). I recommend reaching out to your CSM for advice. 

  • ajlaporte's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi SuzieH,

    Thank you for the response πŸ™‚

    Are there any plans on modifying the API to allow for this? With the rollout of the Blogs functionality, it seems there is a use case for adding in the ability for folks to backdate posts as I would imagine many would be looking to migrate existing blogs over and many could self-serve by doing the migration themselves. 

    As I understand it now, you can create the messages in the blog via the API but then you would need to use the manual migration feature (which needs to be activated by support) in order to be able to change the dates from the admin interface. This seems like a very resource-heavy initiative for a company to take. 

    I also totally understand reaching out to the services team for assistance but others may not have enough budget to make that happen, a self-serve option would be best. 

  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    5 years ago

    ajlaporte Excellent points. I don't know about future plans for backdate support, but I do see the usecase you're pointing out. Product Manager SohilM might be able to shed some light here.

  • SohilM (cc SuzieH ) Do you have any insight or update on this? I had submitted a ticket that I just escalated that has to do with this as well. We are trying to use the Manual Migration tool but that also has no documentation and is not working as expected (see case id 00353185 for more details on that). 

  • SohilM's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    5 years ago

    ajlaporte Currently, we do not have a plan for supporting backdating a message. Thank you for providing the context and how it is useful while migrating content. We will add this to our backlog and evaluate further. 

  • I think having the ability to backdate is important especially for the preservation of old content.  We're migrating content and having the ability to backdate content so that it matches it's original post date is key.  If content was dated the date it was imported, that would be a huge problem for us.