Forum Discussion

Inactive User's avatar
Inactive User
6 years ago

Best practice to use Angular 7 (2+) in Lithium?

I know how to plug into the Lithium AngularJS 1.9x installation, but is there a best practice for using Angular 7+ (Angular 2+) in Lithium?



3 Replies

  • JakeR's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    6 years ago

    Hello - just a heads up...

    I moved this thread into the Developer Network area of our Community (from the general 'Li Discussions' area) because I thought it might get some better attention over here from a more adept audience at being able to answer such a question.

  • bumping, same question.  We are looking to update a custom AngularJS app to Angular 9.  Is there any information on implementing Angular 2+ apps?

  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User
    5 years ago

    I tried it and gave up. The only thing you can do is create an Angular 2+ app and include the links to the JS files in a custom component. I'm afraid I don't have the example anymore to include but it's a job. I found Vue much easier to do this with. 


    Either way, you can't mix Freemarker with Angular like you can in 1.x.