Forum Discussion

HaikuBT's avatar
14 years ago

Board-dependent custom component



I'd like to create a custom component that would be board dependent. For instance, if you're in Forum A, the custom component would perform Function X, if you're in Forum B, the custom component would perform Function Y.


Thanks for whatever help anyone can provide.



1 Reply

  • KaelaC's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    14 years ago

    Are you going to know the board ids of these board or should it be dynamic?  If you are hand selecting boards you can put in some code that says


    <#if == "board A">
     <#-- Do function X -->
    <#elseif == "board B">
     <#-- Do function Y -->



    If the two functions are completely different, I would suggest creating two components instead of one. It's a good idea to keep a component to a single purpose for maintenance later.