Forum Discussion

Suchith's avatar
7 years ago

Bootstrap to Develop Responsive page.

Hi All,

We are building a web page for our community and we are planning to use bootstrap for responsiveness. My question is, will Lithium supports bootstrap tags?




  • Hi Suchith,

    in order to use Bootstrap within Lithium, you have to include the necessary files (*.css, *.js) as described on the Bootstrap pages.

    If you did this, you can use the CSS classes and the other within your customisations. Lithium's default components and layout won't be affected and can't be styled/handled with Bootstrap.




    • Myko_P's avatar

      Hi cike !

      I am trying to use my custom community header and footer made with the Bootstrap 4 and it looks like in my case it dramatically affects Lithium's default components and layout.

      Сould you please describe in more detail the process of injecting the pre-made Bootstrap 4 code (custom community header and footer in my case) into the default responsive community skin?

      Below is the approach I am using with no luck.

      Page Head Bottom Content section aka head.ftl in SDK plugin:
      <link rel="stylesheet" href='${asset.get("/html/assets/bootstrap.min.css")}'/>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href='${asset.get("/html/assets/header-footer.css")}'/>
      <script src='${asset.get("/html/assets/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js")}'></script>
      <script src='${asset.get("/html/assets/popper.min.js")}'></script>
      <script src='${asset.get("/html/assets/bootstrap.min.js")}'></script>
      Page header section aka content_wrapper.ftl:
      <div class="header-wrapper">
        <!-- Responsive Header -->
          <!--custom header html code goes here -->
        <!-- Responsive header end -->
      <@liaBody />
      <div class="footer-wrapper">
        <!-- Responsive Footer -->
          <!-- custom footer html code goes here -->
        <!-- Responsive footer end -->
      • Parshant's avatar


        Lithium has its own default classes based on quilt and component wrapper.

        Under the covers, Lithium Responsive leverages Twitter Bootstrap and Sass (SCSS), a CSS preprocessor that lets developers use variables, mixins, inheritance, nesting, and other useful features that extend and enhance traditional CSS. Lithium responsive solution enables developers to work with the latest framework and technologies to provide the most nimble and exciting community design.

        Here is the document, this will helps you to have some more information related to Lithium responsiveness.