BS Session: Architect a "Department" field (bonus: weekly batch update)
Help me brainstorm: Our users want to see a other users' departments listed beside their name with each post ( Sue [Engineering] )
The primary focus of this thread is to brainstorm easy ways to batch update a custom "department" field either automatically/weekly, or on-demand with the click of a button.
- Khoros Support would create a custom "dc_dept" string field for user objects.
- We have Azure at our fingertips, buuuuttttt spinning up machines always seems to be expensive so I'm OK with alternatives - even if it's a local Postman / Python thing I run manually as needed.
- Azure Active Directory contains the up-to-date Departments, but very soon we'll have this available in Snowflake. (I heard something about a Khoros-Snowflake connector in the works somewhere)
What I Have Already (in case it helps w/ a short-term solution): A Magic Workbook:
The workbook already has the users/department mappings, and I pull this data weekly using PowerBI connections to The Pond (our Khoros Community) and AzureAD.
So...the questions!
In the short-term, I could easily convert the User/Dept to a CSV or JSON file to use with ________? How would you push the data to Khoros? Postman collection runner? Python jingamathig?
In the long-term, something automatic to skip the Excel workbook would be desirable. Any ideas there?
No need for a full solution here - but I'd appreciate any pointers as to where to start digging.