Bulk Data - Looping Delay Needed?
Hi NaokiT
We are running the automated script now and executing the script every 3 or 4 minutes to be able to catch up from 1/1/2015 to present. The first 6 months the file size is very small and there are no errors, but starting on 7/2015 our community started to generate more traffic, users, and boards (more content) and the bulk data extract files are bigger. We have noticed that when we execute the command that the file will not be created successfully in some cases, but when we manually execute the same command it works fine and the file is created no problem. Is there a minimum expected delay when running the curl script on a loop to back fill data? It seems like 3 or 4 minutes is not enough time as we are getting inconsistent failures in which no file is created for that 24 hour period. Can you please help us understand what is the best timing to use so we do not have the babysit the script to backload all the data? Appreciate your help!