Forum Discussion

StanGromer's avatar
4 years ago

Bulk data API - Category nodes

Question for the greater community as we've gone back and forth with Support/PS teams who don't seem to 'get' what we are asking, or we are horrendously bad at explaining this.

When utilizing the bulk data API, can you truly retrieve details for 'Category' nodes? As we pull back data on our end, we get it for all nodes such as TKB, Blog, Forum, Ideas, etc, but we are not seeing anything come across for Category specific nodes nor the Community Homepage.  They keep telling us to look at the ancestor path, but we don't want the path/node the article lives in, we want to literally see the visits to category pages since they make up a large portion of traffic.

Does the Bulk data API actually provide results for Category nodes and/or the Community homepage itself?  

Edit: See image for example of data we're pulling - "Board_title" pulls back all 'board' nodes, while everything "blank" in board_title is things like member entrances, not anything to do with views/visits. Similarly, under the "community_app" field, there is no "category" option, just board options, while the 'blanks' option provides nothing of value to show us "Category" or "Community Homepage" on the site.




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