Bulk data API - discern & filter company by email domain?
Essentially a user wants to be able to track certain members belonging to a company, let's just say Google. She wants to create a dashboard to track all Google employees on our community. Obviously an easy way to do this is to use roles or specific interaction areas, but it was suggested we attempt to use API instead. Before I try to piece together the code, I want to know if this is even possible.
Basically my logic flow is searching for member email addresses containing "google", while ignoring the '@' and before, and the '.' and after. Pattern matching. Then returning results about say, how long they're logged on. Not exactly sure of what results the user wants at this point.
Does anyone have any ideas about this? As far as I'm aware, there is no real way to pull data based on an email address.
Unfortunately you are correct. Bulk Data API does not contain email so there is no way to run domain filter. This was a security concern that we not store or expose PII in bulk. The only way to do this is to make a rest API call to the community to fetch email from the user ID and apply the filter separately before merging back into bulk. I realize for large communities that would be less than ideal.