7 years agoAdept
Can I post a new message with a V1 API with a past message.post_time?
We are in the process of transferring our proprietary implementation of a community to Lithium and in the process, we need to copy/transfer some of the existing knowledge base articles. Is there a way to set the message.post_time in the past, so that this date reflects the date the content was originally created, not the date we moved this topic to Lithium?
aniciu It's not documented but yes you can post the message with original date.
<#assign subject = "Test Article" /> <#assign body = "Here is test article" /> <#assign post_time = "Feb 06, 2017 06:30:40 PM" /> <#assign post_time = post_time?datetime /> <#-- Add Blog --> <#assign addBlog = restadmin("blogs/id/reads_and_resources/messages/post?message.body=${body?url}&message.subject=${subject?url}&${post_time?iso('UTC')}") />