Forum Discussion

aniciu's avatar
7 years ago

Can I post a new message with a V1 API with a past message.post_time?

We are in the process of transferring our proprietary implementation of a community to Lithium and in the process, we need to copy/transfer some of the existing knowledge base articles. Is there a way to set the message.post_time in the past, so that this date reflects the date the content was originally created, not the date we moved this topic to Lithium?

  • aniciu It's not documented but yes you can post the message with original date.

    <#assign subject = "Test Article" />
    <#assign body = "Here is test article" />
    <#assign post_time = "Feb 06, 2017 06:30:40 PM" />
    <#assign post_time = post_time?datetime />
    <#-- Add Blog -->
    	<#assign addBlog = restadmin("blogs/id/reads_and_resources/messages/post?message.body=${body?url}&message.subject=${subject?url}&${post_time?iso('UTC')}") />
  • aniciu It's not documented but yes you can post the message with original date.

    <#assign subject = "Test Article" />
    <#assign body = "Here is test article" />
    <#assign post_time = "Feb 06, 2017 06:30:40 PM" />
    <#assign post_time = post_time?datetime />
    <#-- Add Blog -->
    	<#assign addBlog = restadmin("blogs/id/reads_and_resources/messages/post?message.body=${body?url}&message.subject=${subject?url}&${post_time?iso('UTC')}") />
    • aniciu's avatar


      The solution doens't work me.

      I tried to post with a past date with my curl command, but no luck.

      curl -X POST -d 'restapi.session_key=rtertretyeryetytreyrteuyre
      'https://<host>/restapi/vc/boards/id/myforum/messages/post?message_body=HowAreyou2&message.subject=Hithere2& message.post_time=2015-10-09'


      The message inserts well, but with the current date. What I am doing wrong?

      • VikasB's avatar


        Try this one. Hope, would work fine with DateTime

        curl -X POST -d 'restapi.session_key=rtertretyeryetytreyrteuyre
        'https://<host>/restapi/vc/boards/id/myforum/messages/post?message_body=HowAreyou2&message.subject=Hithere2& message.post_time=2015-10-09T02:30:40Z'