Forum Discussion

gangadharaiah's avatar
3 years ago

Can we show the event calendar component only on group hubs with event discussion style enabled?

Can we scope the calendar event component ONLY on those group hubs that have Event discussion style enabled?

For Example:

Group Hub1 (with all four discussion styles enabled)

  • forum
  • Article
  • Suggestion
  • Event

Group Hub2 (with only Article discussion style enabled)

  • Article

So, when the even calendar component is added on group hub page, the component is displayed on all the group hubs on community (in above case it's added on both group hubs with and without event discussion style enabled).

Can we scope it to only group hubs with Event discussion style enabled ?  In  the above example we would want it to be displayed only on Group Hub1.


Is there a parameter that can be configured to toggle this setting on this component? 

<component id="occasions.widget.calendar" />


    • gangadharaiah's avatar

      Thanks Akenefick We are using the standard group hub page for all our group hubs and looking to see if there are options to toggle off the even calendar side component on some and show it on others.

  • I asked my genius engineer to check this out, as I have the same exact want/need in our own Community . Today, I very literally have two Group Hub quilts right now - One w/ the calendar component, one without.

    Sounds like with some quick work an engineer can do the check to show it if an events node exists or not. If we end up doing it I’ll see if I can share how we accomplished it. 

    • gangadharaiah's avatar

      Appreciate it thank you!

      From the first part of the comment, were you able to hide the event calendar side component on your group hub page for certain group hubs?