Can we use macros in velocity email templates?
We're looking to track the user clicks on an email sent and we're doing that by passing a query string param. The problem is I cannot just append to the URL's in the email template.
/foo/bar#M436?referer=1 is invalid URL
whereas I need to do : /foo/bar?referer=1#M436.
To achieve this, I need to parse url with something like...
#macro( parse_url $url)
#set ($hash_index = $url.indexOf('#'))
#if( $hash_index > -1 )
#set ($first_part = $url.substring(0, $hash_index))
#set ($second_part = $url.substring($hash_index))
#set ($new_url = "${first_part}?referer=1${second_part}")
#set ($new_url = "${url}?referer=1")
#parse_url( ${notification.message.webUi.url} )
I have had no luck to get this to work :
It does work, however, if I get rid of the macro. Any input is appreciated.
Also - does Lithium provide any tracking through a dashboard on number of click activity via email?