Forum Discussion
we currently have the following Problem:
The Lithium platform provides Q&A:
Structure can be like this
Comment1 on Question
Answer 1
Comment1 on Answer 1
Comment2 on Answer 1
Answer 2
Comment1 on Answer 2
Comment2 on Answer 2
What we want to do:
When a user of our tool selects “Comment1 on Question” they can answer add a new comment to the Question => Comment2 on Question The parent for this action is Question
When a user selects “Comment1 on Answer 1” they can add a new comment to the answer => Comment3 on Answer 1 The parent for this action is Answer1
Now to our problem: To do what we want to do we need to know if we are a comment on the question or if we are an Answer => But we cant! At least we think we cannot.
Maybe you can help us with that.
Example Response for the Question:
<message type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="">
<message_rating type="float">0.0</message_rating>
<last_edit_author type="user" href="/users/id/342734" view_href="">
<login type="string">bastian.toepfer</login>
<count type="int">0</count>
<label type="label" href="/labels/id/1421">
<id type="int">1421</id>
<text type="string">Festnetz | Internet | Fernsehen</text>
<board_id type="int">386177</board_id>
<root type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<post_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:16" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:16:51+00:00</post_time>
<last_edit_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:16" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:16:51+00:00</last_edit_time>
<body type="string"><P>Ich hätte gerne einen Festnetzanschluss in meinem Auto. Ist das möglich?</P></body>
<thread type="thread" href="/threads/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<board type="board" href="/boards/id/qandanode" view_href="" />
<parent type="message" null="true" />
<teaser type="string"></teaser>
<count type="int">8</count>
<subject type="string">Hätte gerne einen Festnetzanschluss in meinem Auto. Geht das?</subject>
<id type="int">1038398</id>
<read_only type="boolean">false</read_only>
<deleted type="boolean">false</deleted>
<author type="user" href="/users/id/342734" view_href="">
<login type="string">bastian.toepfer</login>
Example Response for the Answer on the Question:
<message type="message" href="/messages/id/1038400" view_href="">
<message_rating type="float">0.0</message_rating>
<last_edit_author type="user" href="/users/id/342618" view_href="">
<login type="string">h.pinnwand</login>
<count type="int">0</count>
<board_id type="int">386179</board_id>
<root type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<post_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:22" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:22:11+00:00</post_time>
<last_edit_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:22" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:22:11+00:00</last_edit_time>
<body type="string"><P>Ich kann gerne schon mal prüfen ob Festnetz bei Ihnen verfügbar ist. Wo steht denn ihr Auto?</P></body>
<thread type="thread" href="/threads/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<board type="board" href="/boards/id/qandanode" view_href="" />
<parent type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<teaser type="string"></teaser>
<count type="int">3</count>
<subject type="string">AW: Hätte gerne einen Festnetzanschluss in meinem Auto. G...</subject>
<id type="int">1038400</id>
<read_only type="boolean">false</read_only>
<deleted type="boolean">false</deleted>
<author type="user" href="/users/id/342618" view_href="">
<login type="string">h.pinnwand</login>
Example response for the comment on the Question:
<message type="message" href="/messages/id/1038399" view_href="">
<message_rating type="float">0.0</message_rating>
<last_edit_author type="user" href="/users/id/342618" view_href="">
<login type="string">h.pinnwand</login>
<count type="int">0</count>
<board_id type="int">386178</board_id>
<root type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<post_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:20" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:20:51+00:00</post_time>
<last_edit_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:20" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:20:51+00:00</last_edit_time>
<body type="string">Kommentar: Hm, so direkt nicht. Aber könnten Sie mir kurz erklären was genau Sie vorhaben evtl. kann ich Ihnen eine alternative vorschlagen.</body>
<thread type="thread" href="/threads/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<board type="board" href="/boards/id/qandanode" view_href="" />
<parent type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<teaser type="string"></teaser>
<count type="int">2</count>
<subject type="string">AW: Hätte gerne einen Festnetzanschluss in meinem Auto. Geht das?</subject>
<id type="int">1038399</id>
<read_only type="boolean">false</read_only>
<deleted type="boolean">false</deleted>
<author type="user" href="/users/id/342618" view_href="">
<login type="string">h.pinnwand</login>
As you can see there is no siginificant difference in the response for the comment or the answer that can help us decide if it is a comment or an answer…
They both have the same parent and root. We tried it with “message/id/{id}/depth” but that also returns 1 for both (which of course is correct…) Also tried other
Properties but no luck. To our knowledge there does not seem to be a property “message-type” that could help us with that.
Did we miss something?
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