Forum Discussion
we currently have the following Problem:
The Lithium platform provides Q&A:
Structure can be like this
Comment1 on Question
Answer 1
Comment1 on Answer 1
Comment2 on Answer 1
Answer 2
Comment1 on Answer 2
Comment2 on Answer 2
What we want to do:
When a user of our tool selects “Comment1 on Question” they can answer add a new comment to the Question => Comment2 on Question The parent for this action is Question
When a user selects “Comment1 on Answer 1” they can add a new comment to the answer => Comment3 on Answer 1 The parent for this action is Answer1
Now to our problem: To do what we want to do we need to know if we are a comment on the question or if we are an Answer => But we cant! At least we think we cannot.
Maybe you can help us with that.
Example Response for the Question:
<message type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="">
<message_rating type="float">0.0</message_rating>
<last_edit_author type="user" href="/users/id/342734" view_href="">
<login type="string">bastian.toepfer</login>
<count type="int">0</count>
<label type="label" href="/labels/id/1421">
<id type="int">1421</id>
<text type="string">Festnetz | Internet | Fernsehen</text>
<board_id type="int">386177</board_id>
<root type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<post_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:16" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:16:51+00:00</post_time>
<last_edit_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:16" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:16:51+00:00</last_edit_time>
<body type="string"><P>Ich hätte gerne einen Festnetzanschluss in meinem Auto. Ist das möglich?</P></body>
<thread type="thread" href="/threads/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<board type="board" href="/boards/id/qandanode" view_href="" />
<parent type="message" null="true" />
<teaser type="string"></teaser>
<count type="int">8</count>
<subject type="string">Hätte gerne einen Festnetzanschluss in meinem Auto. Geht das?</subject>
<id type="int">1038398</id>
<read_only type="boolean">false</read_only>
<deleted type="boolean">false</deleted>
<author type="user" href="/users/id/342734" view_href="">
<login type="string">bastian.toepfer</login>
Example Response for the Answer on the Question:
<message type="message" href="/messages/id/1038400" view_href="">
<message_rating type="float">0.0</message_rating>
<last_edit_author type="user" href="/users/id/342618" view_href="">
<login type="string">h.pinnwand</login>
<count type="int">0</count>
<board_id type="int">386179</board_id>
<root type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<post_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:22" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:22:11+00:00</post_time>
<last_edit_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:22" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:22:11+00:00</last_edit_time>
<body type="string"><P>Ich kann gerne schon mal prüfen ob Festnetz bei Ihnen verfügbar ist. Wo steht denn ihr Auto?</P></body>
<thread type="thread" href="/threads/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<board type="board" href="/boards/id/qandanode" view_href="" />
<parent type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<teaser type="string"></teaser>
<count type="int">3</count>
<subject type="string">AW: Hätte gerne einen Festnetzanschluss in meinem Auto. G...</subject>
<id type="int">1038400</id>
<read_only type="boolean">false</read_only>
<deleted type="boolean">false</deleted>
<author type="user" href="/users/id/342618" view_href="">
<login type="string">h.pinnwand</login>
Example response for the comment on the Question:
<message type="message" href="/messages/id/1038399" view_href="">
<message_rating type="float">0.0</message_rating>
<last_edit_author type="user" href="/users/id/342618" view_href="">
<login type="string">h.pinnwand</login>
<count type="int">0</count>
<board_id type="int">386178</board_id>
<root type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<post_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:20" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:20:51+00:00</post_time>
<last_edit_time type="date_time" view_date="10.03.2015" view_time="09:20" view_friendly_date="<span class="telekom-post-date-light">vor</span> einer Stunde">2015-03-10T08:20:51+00:00</last_edit_time>
<body type="string">Kommentar: Hm, so direkt nicht. Aber könnten Sie mir kurz erklären was genau Sie vorhaben evtl. kann ich Ihnen eine alternative vorschlagen.</body>
<thread type="thread" href="/threads/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<board type="board" href="/boards/id/qandanode" view_href="" />
<parent type="message" href="/messages/id/1038398" view_href="" />
<teaser type="string"></teaser>
<count type="int">2</count>
<subject type="string">AW: Hätte gerne einen Festnetzanschluss in meinem Auto. Geht das?</subject>
<id type="int">1038399</id>
<read_only type="boolean">false</read_only>
<deleted type="boolean">false</deleted>
<author type="user" href="/users/id/342618" view_href="">
<login type="string">h.pinnwand</login>
As you can see there is no siginificant difference in the response for the comment or the answer that can help us decide if it is a comment or an answer…
They both have the same parent and root. We tried it with “message/id/{id}/depth” but that also returns 1 for both (which of course is correct…) Also tried other
Properties but no luck. To our knowledge there does not seem to be a property “message-type” that could help us with that.
Did we miss something?
Hi big,
As you've found there's multiple ways to find the parent, but unfortunately no identifier for answer vs comment. you may want to try our developer network to see if they have any workarounds or suggestions, but given you're use case I don't believe there's an alternative method here.
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