Forum Discussion

bsamson's avatar
11 years ago

Changing color of linked text



I've added clickable text to a custom page and it is not displaying the same color as other clickable text. Below is my HTML code, where would I add code to change the font color?


<b><big><a href="">US Explorer Events Calendar</a>

<b><a href="">UK Explorer Events Calendar</a>

  • Inheritance issue.  Try changing ".event-link" to ".lia-body .lia-content a.event-link" so your new selector is more specific than the one at the top of the list.




  • Hey bsamson,


    if your clickable text should look like all other links within your community pages, I would suggest that you add a class attribute to the <a>-tags and assign them the CSS class definitions from your community css.


    You could use a tool like Firebug (for Firefox) to determine the correct CSS class names. :smileyhappy:


    Best regards,
