Forum Discussion

housikrausi's avatar
7 years ago

Code snippet for noindexing several archive folders

Hi Everybody,


i´m working on a archiving strategy for our community at the moment. As descibed in the how to article I have to ad a noindex Tag to the read only archiv named "Test-Archive" board I created.


For this I use this code and it works:

<#if == "Test_Archive">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow">


What should the code look like to use two or more archive folders?


I tried this code but unfortunately it doesn´t work:

<#if == "Test_Archive", "Test_Archive2">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow">


Could someone please help me?




  • housikrausi - 


    Below is updated code. 


    <#if == "Test_Archive" || == "Test_Archive2">
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow">
  • housikrausi - 


    Yes, you can replace my old code with this one. 

    e.g for 12 categories 

    //Assign all the categories id below. 
    <#assign catIDs = ["Test_Archive2","Test_Archive", "Test_Archive3", "Test_Archive4", "and so on.."] /> <#if catIDs?seq_contains(> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow"> </#if>


     In above example you just need to update in catIDs variable, the condition will be same. 

12 Replies