Yes, you can (depending on the effort you want to make) basically do whatever you like. Whoever does the customization needs to get "acquainted" with how Khoros does things, which can be a bit of a learning curve. Here are a few tips:
I recommend not modifying the out of the box quilts (pages) when possible but create a custom one, so for a landing page this is usually CategoryPage, you click that little "Show XML" switch on the top right, then just copy everything from that quilt (or if you already use a custom one, copy the XML contents of that, which you need to check in admin , pages are inherited, so gotta go top-down in the community structure use that purple box for quick switching), make a new quilt and call it CategoryPage.<> (to activate it you'll need to select it in the dropdown on that admin page linked above), paste the XML and save, now you have custom page where you can play around with layouts and out of the box and custom components.
All of this can technically be done without any developer experience. Once you need a bit more customizations you'll get into the development of custom components which will involve knowing FreeMarker and Khoros API's, CSS and JavaScript, reference the Khoros docs for more about this stuff (Ask your Khoros CSM for access for your Atlas account if you can't see these pages).
Of course we can help as well if you need any external support.