Forum Discussion

jeffshurtliff's avatar
5 years ago

Community Plugin SDK Compatibility

Can anyone confirm which operating systems the Khoros Community Plugin SDK (i.e. lithium-sdk) is compatible with?  The documentation only mentions Mac OS X and CentOS, and I just confirmed that Windows isn't compatible.  (See attached screenshot)

But what I really want to know is whether CentOS truly is the only Linux distribution that is supported or if others are supported as well.  I was hoping to install the SDK on a system running Ubuntu Server (latest LTS release) but now I'm not sure if it'll be successful and if I need to spin up a docker container or VM instead.

Anyone have any experience around this?  Thanks!!

  • charan's avatar
    5 years ago

    Thanks for the input. After installed PhantomJS and setting the path,this time the issue is different (EAccess: Permission denied, Mkdir(PATH)).

    I was executed all the command in su mode. 

    Later when i exited from su(SuperUSer) mode to my user mode. Lithium-sdk installed successfully. 

    Thanks Parshantjeffshurtliff   Finally the lithium-sdk installed in ubuntu. 

  • jeffshurtliff, lithium-sdk is also working on Ubuntu Latest release. You just need all the plugins installed on your system correctly. Like Node-js, lithium SDK and Gulp.

    • jeffshurtliff's avatar

      Thanks Parshant for the confirmation!

      Unfortunately in my case the installation of the lithium-sdk package struggled quite a bit and ended up stalling during the phantomjs installation until it ultimately caused the operating system to become unresponsive and require a reboot.  (See attached)  But there very likely could have been several other factors in place.

      Do you happen to have any tips/tricks for installing it successfully?  e.g. a particular Node.js and/or NPM version, etc.?

