Community plugin SDK in Docker
Hi All,
Like others in the Developer forum here, I use the plugin SDK and sometimes struggle to set up the development environment. My main machine is Windows and that's not officially supported for the SDK. For a long time I've used a Linux VM hosted at my company, but as we're working from home that tends to be slower to access now, especially with all of the "source files" on a network folder.
I've finally taken the time to create a Docker image that makes setup a breeze. I've used Docker before but this is my first time creating a "recipe" -- it took a lot of trial and error to avoid some of the setup gotchas.
The image is here for your docker pull if you want to try it:
I also shared the original Dockerfile on GitHub's my first one of these and who knows what I screwed up. If you know better, you might have a shot at fixing it.
Success! Built my community plugin in Docker.
I use VS Code on my local host machine to maintain the source files. I also use git (we use GitLab) for source control from within Windows (PowerShell). I use this new Docker container only when I need to run the li commands to build and submit the plugin to our stage environment.