Forum Discussion

iahiqosolutions's avatar
13 years ago

Community Subscription Options

Hello everbody,   I have couple questions concerning the "Community Subscription Options". Task: I want to implement the same functionality which is present on the "Subscriptions & Bookmarks" tab...
  • iahiqosolutions's avatar
    13 years ago

    Ok, I guess that I find the necessary options by my self.

    As you know "User" entity include the key-value colletion that also known as "Profiles".

    I've found that keys of this collection corresponding options on the "Sucscription Options" tab.


    Key "auto_subscribe_on_post " can has two possible values "none" and "thread". It is coressponding to "Automatically subscribe me to topics I participate in" check box.


    Key "sub_email_delivery" can has three possible values "daily", "weekly" and "immediate". It is coressponding to "Email Delivery" radio.


    Key "sub_email_format" can has two possible values "subject_only" and "subject_and_body". It is coressponding to "Email content" radio.



    Key "sub_email_mail_format" can has two possible three "html", "palin_text" and "tauto". It is coressponding to "Email format" radio.


    Key "sub_email_remove_html" is boolean. It is coressponding to "Remove HTML from posts" check box.


    Key "sub_email_ignore_marked_read" is boolean. It is coressponding to "Ignore posts I have already read" check box.



    Key "board_subscribe_method" can has two possible values "message" and "thread". It is coressponding to "For my forum subscriptions, notify me" radio.


    Key "sub_email_self_notify" is boolean. It is coressponding to "Notify me for my own posts and replies" check box.



    I hope that this info will be helpful for someone:)