7 years agoGuide
Conditional based on rank
I'm trying to have a sub-nav with line items dependent on whether a user has the rank of administrator. I've evaluated a LiQL query that evaluates correctly on the homepage, but when you navigate to ...
- 7 years ago
I found my own solution. Apparently it matters where you put the <#attempt> The LiQL query needs to be before<#attempt>. This was my solution in case anybody else has the same issue.
<#-- LiQL query for active user --> <#assign adminRole = 't:Administrator' /> <#assign userSearch= user.id /> <#assign queryRole= "SELECT id FROM roles WHERE users.id='${userSearch}'" /> <#assign queryData= rest("2.0","/search?q=" + queryRole?url) /> <#assign queryResult = queryData.data.items[0].id /> <#attempt> <#if queryResult == adminRole > <#-- Adding blog to secondary nav if user is administrator --> <#assign navItems = [blog, groups, training, events, faq] /> </#if> <#recover> <#assign navItems = [groups, training, events, faq] /> </#attempt>