Forum Discussion
Hi Parashant,
Thanks for your response. The below integration is what we are looking for
"When developers check into a source controlled repository (es: Bitbucket), the check ins should trigger CI service (jenkins) to build, validate and submit SDK plugins to stage"
yes it will be similar to Travis CI (as per the documentation).
If we get steps to integrate SDK plugin/Travis CI, that also will be helpful for us. The same way we can try with Jenkins also.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!
dbaby - Currently we're also taking a look into setting up a Jenkins-based CI workflow. By now we are thinking about the steps and possible issues coming up.
We are thinking about setting up a docker container which contains the Lithium SDK, so we can trigger the submit command after a developer checks in new source code. While the Lithium SDK comes up with some configurations (e.g. upload token) it may be useful to put these into some environment variables, so you can change them (which will be necessary for the token in this case on a monthly basis).
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