Forum Discussion

jferrandis's avatar
9 years ago

Convert a string into a json object

Hi all


Is there a way to convert a string into a json object.

My case is this one. 

To handle multiple winners in contest, i use the annoucement field where a  i put a formatted message : "{winners:[{id:xx),{id:yy},...],order:true}"


when a get the data with an API call, result is a string. The only way to "convert" it a json is to put an ?eval which is quite ugly and causes some freemarker errors


Is there custom freemarker builts-in to make this? 


Thank you for your help

7 Replies

  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    9 years ago

    It looks like you can use ?eval. At least that's what they say on Stack Overflow.


    Just be sure to check for null first.


    Does this solve your needs?

  • jferrandis's avatar
    9 years ago
    i think i read the same post.

    I hoped there was a better solution, something like a number_to_date-like directive or specific built-in in lithium.

    by the way thanks for your contribution
  • jferrandis's avatar
    8 years ago
    Thanks but is this class available in freemarker?
    If not, is there a way to add it ?
  • donpacote's avatar
    8 years ago

    i put my code


    protected <T> T fromJson(byte[] data, Class<T> modelClass) {
    return gson.fromJson(new String(data), modelClass);


    protected String toJson(Object object) {
    return gson.toJson(object);


    public List makeResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse, LithiumRequest lithiumRequest) {
    return Collections.singletonList(fromJson(httpResponse.getData(), getModelClass()));