Forum Discussion

PerBonomi's avatar
6 years ago

CORS errors for notifications

Hey folks. We're not running any weird integrations, but our moderators in a remote office are seeing this a lot in the console. It seemt eh OOB Lithium notifications are having issues.

Is this purely a Lithium code thing or can it also be dependent on their office's network policies?

Also found this discussion, which perhaps is related? Could it be a combo of Lithium and AWS not playing nice?

  • Strange, seems to be issue for CORS in pushy-sevice of realtime notification.

  • Did you end up finding a solution for this? We're having the same issue

    • Parshant's avatar

      Lindsey ,

      Yes this issue was resolved during new release.

      You can open support ticket for this or mail them to regarding issue you are facing.


    • PerBonomi's avatar

      Lindsey wrote:

      Did you end up finding a solution for this? We're having the same issue

      Yeah, we're on 19.5 now and I believe it got sorted at least two minor versions ago.

      What version are you on?

      • Lindsey's avatar

        We're on version 19.6. It's actually a slightly different error, but it is still for the realtime notifications and causing them not to appear:

        lia-scripts-body-min.js:70 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

         We are talking to a member of Khoros now, but they cannot track down the source of the error.