8 years agoBoss
Create a Poll Report?
There isn't an obvious method to create a poll report (e.g., CSV). Is there a workaround, besides manually copying the poll numbers to a spreadsheet and manually copying the questions and answers and...
- 8 years ago
The workaround for this could be using REST API.
Using the first call, you can get the polls created on one board.
http://community.lithium.com/community-name/restapi/vc/boards/id/[id] /polls
Documentation: https://community.lithium.com/t5/Developer-Documentation/bd-p/dev-doc-portal?section=commv1&leaf-id=Board.polls#Board.polls
Using the second call you can get the details of the polls e.g votes, which user have voted etc.
http://community.lithium.com/community-name/restapi/vc/boards/id/[id] /polls/id/[poll_id]
Documentation: https://community.lithium.com/t5/Developer-Documentation/bd-p/dev-doc-portal?section=commv1&leaf-id=Board.polls#Board.polls