Forum Discussion

BinnyK's avatar
7 years ago

Create new blog/article page

Hi there,


Is there a resource that lists the urls for each page that is available within the Lithium community? e.g


Create new discussion = /t5/forums/postpage/choose-node/true/interaction-style/forum

Category page = /t5/id-of-category/bg-p/id-of-category


I am trying to find the link to create new article that would normally be displayed on the blogPage.



    • phoneboy's avatar

      Hi, this isn't working for me.

      Sure, it brings up a Create New Article screen, but it is missing things that are unique to a blog.
      More specifically, it's missing:

      • Associated Products
      • Blog Labels
      • Article Tags
      • Canonical URL
      • Post Date (if trying to schedule a post)

      Note this is not unique to my particular custom component, even the standard components Khoros provides that generate a New Post link exhibit the same behavior.