Creating a custom board list component
I am looking to create a new Community category where there is a list of of 3 links, 2 of which are standard boards. However I want the 3rd link to direct the user to another category that we have setup within the same Community.
I want the 3rd link to look like a board from the UI but this will direct the user to an unlisted category we have setup. I also want this to pull in the post count in the same way a standard board would from within the out-of-the box board list.
My assumption is that I would need to do the following:
1. Create a new standard category that contains 2 boards.
2. Create a custom component that mirrors the UI of the standard board list.
3. Within the custom component create links to the category and 2 boards already created.
4. Create a 3rd link to direct the user off to another category.
5. Within the custom component use the API to pull in post counts for the 2 boards and then the 3rd which links off to a category.
I wanting to know if this is the best way to do this and what calls are available to pull in board post counts and category post counts?
I am not sure if its the best way to do it . But it sounds the right way , logically. Here are the rest calls that might be of help
Topic Count within a Board
Topic Count witin a Category
Hope that helps.