Forum Discussion

AbhishekIlindra's avatar
8 years ago

Custom Avatar by Deafult



We are planning to remove Lithium default avatars and will upload our customized avatars. If we delete the lithium avatars  what happens to existing accounts with avatars from lithium default.


Thanks & Regards,

Abhishek Illindra

  • Hey AbhishekIlindra,


    Before you delete the legacy Lithium avatar's you need to be aware that anyone using said avatar will also lose their avatar so you'll end up with a  load of users with the "no image found" image this makes the community look really bad and kinda broken! 


    You can, however, remedy this by getting Professional Services to run a script which will check every user account for use of a legacy avatar and then replace it with one of your new ones, this can be randomised so that all users don't get the same avatar and you can also avoid any users who are already using a custom avatar. 

    I've recently done this in my community, the process was quick and easy, PS guys have done this loads of times and should be able to help you but this is a chargeable piece of work. 

  • Hi AbhishekIlindra ,

    If you want to remove the default avatars provided by Lithium, open a support ticket and a support engineer will make a change so you can delete the default avatars via Studio. After this change is made on our end, you can remove the default avatars: Go to Studio > Community Style > Asset Library > Avatars

    Important: If you plan on removing all of the default avatars, you must first make a custom avatar collection or the studio page will display an error. There has to be at least one avatar collection present.
