Forum Discussion

ikhwanb's avatar
10 years ago

Custom BlogMessage showing repeating results

I am trying to customize the BlogMessage layout with custom component.

I refer post and manage to get the list messages showing in BlogPage.


However, I got repeated list of message in a page. The output is something like this:

-Row 1

 -Post 1

 -Post 2

 -Post 3

-Row 2

 -Post 1

 -Post 2

 -Post 3

(Row repeated 3 times)



Please assist. Thanks in advance!

My code structure is as per below


<#if =="BlogPage">

  <#assign messages = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE = '${}' AND depth = 0 ORDER BY post_time DESC"?url).data.items![] />

  <#-- Message Content -->
  <#list messages as blogpost>
  <#-- Customize HTML for blog post display -->
  <@component id="message-header" />
  <@component id="body" />
  <@component id="message-footer" />
