Custom Component Naming Functionality
Hi Lithium Team,
We are trying to rename one of our Custom component while renaming it is creating a brand new Custom component with the new name and it is not appending to the existing Component. It is making us to place the new component in the Page quilt and we need to remove the existing one.
Is there any way once we rename the Custom component the name should reflect to the same component and it need to dynamically add to the all rename to the all existing quilts so it won't need to rework on it again.
Abhishek Illindra
AbhishekIlindra - No, this is not possible at all. In fact, this is explicit. Even if somehow the components name gets changed in the quilts, what about the references to this name which you have used in the custom code? How would you change that?
You have to create a new one and update the references in quilts/ code manually.
I hope this helps.