Forum Discussion
3 Replies
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- GakuS3 years agoKhoros Staff
Hi waldemarhelm , you may need to do more heavy lifting with LiQL and logic on your custom component, but perhaps you could start with the user's kudos_given and kudos_received (API Reference)?
Here you goSELECT login,kudos_received.sum(weight) FROM users ORDER BY kudos_received.sum(weight) DESC
SELECT login,kudos_given.sum(weight) FROM users ORDER BY kudos_given.sum(weight) DESC
VikasB Thanks for that idea. But this will not be solution for the ViewProfilePage context. What waldemarhelm is looking for is an solution to find those data in relation of an given user. With your LiQILs you will only be able to get those data in community context.
Try this for example and you will always get only one object, the object of the given user.
SELECT login,kudos_received.sum(weight) FROM users WHERE id = '47160' ORDER BY kudos_received.sum(weight) DESC
Do you have any other ideas how to get the kudos_received and kudos_given values for an specific user?
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- 4 years agoInactive User