Forum Discussion

skylinegtr's avatar
10 years ago

Custom components to show categories/title

Anyone have an example code to show the categories/Title and post count into custom component? I've tried but no luck. Example below. Thanks





"type" : "board",
"id" : "pure_internal_forum",
"href" : "/boards/pure_internal_forum",
"view_href" : "/t5/Employee-Product-Discussion/bd-p/pure_internal_forum",
"conversation_style" : "forum",
"title" : "Employee Product Discussion",
"short_title" : "Employee Product Discussion",
"description" : "",
"parent_category" : {
"type" : "category",
"id" : "forums",
"href" : "/categories/forums",
"view_href" : "/t5/Forums/ct-p/forums"
"root_category" : {
"type" : "category",
"id" : "forums",
"href" : "/categories/forums",
"view_href" : "/t5/Forums/ct-p/forums"


  • OlivierS's avatar
    10 years ago

    skylinegtr you can filter by id:


    SELECT id, title, boards FROM categories WHERE id IN('forums','kb')


  • OlivierS's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    skylinegtr in future post, please list what you've been trying ;)


    Now, based on this tutorial, and the category resource, I assume this code would work:


    <#--Use the rest FreeMarker context object, passing the rest_version parameter and LiQL query (encoded by appending ?url) -->
    <#assign categories = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT id, title, topics.count(*), messages.count(*), views, view_href FROM categories ORDER BY topics.count(*) ASC"?url) />
    <#list as category > 
    <li><a href=“${category.view_href}”>${category.title}</a><br />
    Topics count: ${category.topics.count} <br />
    Messages count: ${category.messages.count} <br />

     Disclaimer: I won't be responsible for any side effects of my code. Please test, test, and test on your stage environment first before pushing to production ...

    • skylinegtr's avatar

      OlivierS – Thanks for your help with this. Sorry, I should have been clearer.


      What I’m trying to do is to display 3 subject/topics for each category in the custom components.


      For example:

      The Blog has Topic/Subject- Bartz Blog, Ben’s Suport, Support News, Process

      Knowledge & Support has Topic/Subject-Customer Knowledge Base, Customer Product Ideas, Partner Knowledge Base.

      It’s my first time dealing with API’s. 


    • skylinegtr's avatar

      The code below lists categories and the boards within them.


      <#assign category = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT id, title, boards FROM categories"?url).data.items![] />
      <#list category as category>
      <#assign board = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + category.boards.query?url).data.items![] />
      <#if board?size gt 0>
      <#list board as board>
      <li><a href="${board.view_href}">${board.title}</a></li>
      <li>No boards in this category</li>


      It shows the following:


                      Knowledge & Support

                     -Customer Knowledge Base

      • -Customer Product Ideas
        -Partner Knowledge Base
        -Internal Knowledge Base
        -TSE Notes
        -Customer Product Discussion
        -Customer Tools, Tips & Tricks
        -Customer General Discussion
        -Partner Forum
        -Employee Product Discussion
        -Employee Social Discussion
        -TSE Discussion
        -SQL Experts Forum
        Idea Exchange
        Internal Idea Exchange
        -Ben's Support Sermon
        -Support News, Process, and Announcements
        -Bartz Blog


       If I only want the categories for the Forums or Knowledge and Support? How can I accomplish this?

      • OlivierS's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)

        skylinegtr you can filter by id:


        SELECT id, title, boards FROM categories WHERE id IN('forums','kb')