Forum Discussion

srynearson's avatar
11 years ago

Custom widget to upload csv files, in return it posts an article to a KB

Hey guys. I would like to do this. Think it is doable? 


A custom widget with and upload file button. The widget allows you to upload a CSV file in a paticular formating. Then it posts the contents of that csv into an article . This articals author could be a specific user. or a username located in a certain column.

1 Reply

  • There isn't any API for uploading the assets in Li, but there is certainly one for posting the content via API.


    restapi/vc/boards/id/[id]/messages/post/?message.subject=this is so cool.

    There could be a possible workaround, i.e. you could get the article uploaded in some other application via a widget in your community, and then using the Lithium endpoints, you can make an http call to your uploaded asset and get the content posted via above api in any area of your community.


    Hope this will get you started.