Forum Discussion

Kgarrison's avatar
6 years ago

Customize Latest Photos in Node

I have a request to create a group of photos on our community home page from a specific category. I see how to do that in the documentation. I switched to the XML view and could customize like this.

<component id="media.widget.node-message-images" li-title="latest Deployment Photos" li-category-id ="Your_Stories" />

 I'd like to show 3 photos. The default number appears to be 9.  I'd also like to make those 3 images bigger. Are there attributes for customizing that? 

I considered doing this customization through CSS but then there is no unique ID or class on the outputted HTML. And I have 2 photo feeds and I only want to customize one like this. Is it possible to add ID or class.

Thanks for any insights.

