Forum Discussion

AriWeissman's avatar
4 years ago

Data on Private Messages

Hi all.

I'm trying to find data on the usage of the private messaging feature in our community. I'd like to know:

  • If it is being used
  • How much it is being used
  • Who is using it

I don't need to see the actual messages, just the numbers. 

Is it possible for a non-technical user to find answers to these questions?

  • There are a few options in Admin Metrics. Just set your time range as desired and drill into Private Messaging on the left. The options there are:

    • Private Message Page Views
    • Private Message Body Page Views
    • Private Messages Sent
    • Private Messages Read

    These same options are available in Advanced Metrics and appear to provide stats on who is sending or reading PMs based on the roles and time range you choose.

    //Edited to show findings

  • There are a few options in Admin Metrics. Just set your time range as desired and drill into Private Messaging on the left. The options there are:

    • Private Message Page Views
    • Private Message Body Page Views
    • Private Messages Sent
    • Private Messages Read

    These same options are available in Advanced Metrics and appear to provide stats on who is sending or reading PMs based on the roles and time range you choose.

    //Edited to show findings