Forum Discussion

cike's avatar
11 years ago

Design Post Page Form

Hey guys,


I want to redesign all forms within a community ("new post form", "new reply form" etc.). Currently I'm using the default layout with the Rich-Text-Editor, Subject-Field and Attachment-Fieldset display in the left and the fieldsets for Labels and Tags on the right side.


For the community it will be nice if it would be possible to place the fieldsets on the right side below the elements on the left side, like the forms of Lithosphere do.


Is this possible using only CSS (hopefully with some out-of-the-box classes of Lithium) or will it be neccessary to use some JavaScript-Snippets?


Thanks and regards,


  • PaoloT's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    Hi cike 


    depending on the extent of your redesign - it should be definitely possible to re-arrange some of the form elements via CSS. Potentially - as you say - you could also do this with Javascript however this is generally not recommended (i.e. extracting and re-injecting elements in a different position via Javascript) as it can lead to a clunky user experience.


    As an alternative, the form definition can be changed in terms of Layout however this kind of customization is currently not available in Studio and can only be done via an engagement with Lithium Professional Services.


    What I suggest is to get in touch with your Account Manager so that your designs can be reviewed to determine the best course of action (potentially even using a mixture of the above approaches)


    Hope this helps,