Just one more point,
if you capture cut and paste from tinymce you should probably not process those events from keyup. What I did is to do save only if the keys are not keys for cut & paste i.e :
tinyMCEKeyUp : function(e) {
var ctrlDown = false;
var ctrlKey = 17, vKey = 86, xKey = 88;
if ((e.ctrlKey) && (e.keyCode === vKey)) {
console.log('paste from keyboard')
/* got here. do nothing. let paste event handle this one */
} else if ((e.ctrlKey) && (e.keyCode === xKey)) {
console.log('cut from keyboard')
/* got here. do nothing. let paste event handle this one */
and call this function from the keyup event. This way you will save yourself do some actions twice on cut & paste
I found his from stackoverflow, might be helpful in your use case as well.