Dev Track at LiNC 2013
Hi developers --
I'd like to take a minute to introduce myself. I'm the Product Manager for the Lithium Developer Nation (LDN) team, and I as well as the LDN engineers (ChhamaJ, DougS, RathnaK, VenkS, VirenT, and YuriK ... you might recognize some of these dev nation regulars) are the folks working behind the scenes on Studio, the REST API, integrations and platform extensibility. It's our job to make your life easier. Cool? Cool.
Well, as much as we like coding, we like talking to you more. We love finding solutions to your problems and hearing what you like, dislike, and wish we had in the product. And sometimes there's no better way to talk than face-to-face. So, we'd like to personally invite you to LiNC, our annual customer conference, in San Francisco.
In fact, we have something special for you -- a dedicated developer track. This is our first-ever developer program at LiNC and we're bringing in developers from Barclarycard, YouSendIt, and Cisco (amongst others) to show off how they've customized and extended the Lithium platform by:
- Making it Beautiful: Use Studio and CSS to create visually stunning UIs
- Making it Do More: Push the boundaries with custom components and Freemarker to create new application behaviors and interactions
- Making it Connect: Use the Lithium REST API to build integrations with third party applications and your own business systems
You'll also hear from LDN and other Lithium engineers about what we're building this year. And, by the way, we'll be around throughout the conference if one-on-ones are more your style.
The updated agenda is here: and we’re offering developers a special discount of $200 off the registration. Please contact me if you’re interested in attending and I can share the discount code with you. Also, if 3 or more people are attending from your company, the 4th registration is free.
If you have any questions or need more information, please PM me (seriously). I will read and respond to every message.
Hope you can make it!
P.S. When you register, make sure "developer" is somewhere in your job title so we can identify you!