Forum Discussion

rosmorville's avatar
10 years ago

Developer Credentials?

I am the Community Admin, but have a team here that might do some work on our Community on the development side... I don't know that we've ever had anyone with "developer credentials" here at our company or if they exist... the team is asking for developer credentials, like a Lithium partner might have for pulling Lithium into other areas of the site... I'm thinking I just add them to this forum and point then in the direction of the developer forum and give the individual the admin rights also??


I'm confused by the ask and wanted to know if there is such a thing as developer credentials or if it's confusion on the developer team's part... if they exist, how do I get them?

  • rosmorville I am confused, do you want to provide your developers the access to the Developer forums on the lithosphere? if yes - you need to ask Lithium support.


    If otherwise - you can provide the admin access to your developers on your staging instance because they would need the access to every corner of your community.


    I hope this helps.

    • rosmorville's avatar

      I think when the developers JUST need admin rights to access our environment...What I'm asking is are there any additional rights. They just need to edit custom compnents... so we edit in stage and push... we've done this before - editing a custom component - I just want your back up as the developers keep saying "developer rights" when I say "admin rights!" ;-)

      • JeffY's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)

        Hi rosmorville -- Developers don't need any additional rights beyond admin.   You can give them less than admin rights, though, that would allow them to do certain types of development.  That may be what they mean by "developer credentials".  On some platforms, businesses don't want to give developers full admin access.  However, most of our customers give developers admin rights.