Forum Discussion

dhpawar's avatar
12 years ago

Different result for search string



When I am trying to search keyword through browser using rest call getting different message. URL:


And when I am searching same keyword through actual site getting different result. Please find attachment for it.


Search string = with probl


Can you please help me on it? Thanks





1 Reply

  • YuriK's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    12 years ago

    Hey Dharmendra,


    The search API gives you a lot more control over the search process. It allows you to enter a query with lucene query syntax (more on lucene query syntax here), create different types of queries (one_or_more, phrase, search), and control sorting. This makes it difficult to identically recreate what you see in the Ask A Question widget. See more details about how to use search here.


    Here are a few suggestions to get closer to what you want:


    1) instead of q use one_or_more or use fuzzy/wildcard search (with probl* or with probl~)

    2) set the date range you want to search on (using "date:[<start date> TO <end date>]" using Unix timestamps inside q)

    3) set the sorting you want using sort_by argument


    Hope this helps,

