Forum Discussion

Manasa's avatar
10 years ago

Display community content on extrenal site- should refresh rate be real time or set to some value?



We are building a building a website that will contain certain pages that will fearture community content ( ex: we want to show latest blog articles on one of the pages) . This will require use of the REST API  to pull the content from the Lithium community. I would appreciate your help on the following.


1. Can we display the content in real time using the REST API. So as soon as there is new content that meets the filter conditions we are using, it would display on our website. If real time is not possible, what is a recommended refresh rate ( should we just cache the content we pulled in and then pull in new content at certain time intervals)?


2. Are there any performance issues with real time updates?


3. What is the best way to handle the case when Lithium does down for some raeson. In this case, does it make sense to cache the content displayed and continue to display it until new content is available?




  • Manasa's avatar
    10 years ago

    HI VarunGrazitti 


    Thanks for getting back. We did consider the ActiveCast widget but they do not cover all the different query types we want for the website . In addition it is not responsive. We have planned to move forward with using the REST API and I had the questions in my original post regrading the content refresh rate etc. Would appreiate any help or guidance on this.




2 Replies

  • Manasa - Before going for any custom solution, did you take a look at the ActiveCast widgets? ActiveCast syndicates Lithium community content on any website in a custom widget. This widget can display posts from a forum, a poll or any other community content you want to include on your company website, including:



    You can find more details here. I hope this helps.

  • Manasa's avatar
    10 years ago

    HI VarunGrazitti 


    Thanks for getting back. We did consider the ActiveCast widget but they do not cover all the different query types we want for the website . In addition it is not responsive. We have planned to move forward with using the REST API and I had the questions in my original post regrading the content refresh rate etc. Would appreiate any help or guidance on this.


