Forum Discussion

lilim's avatar
10 years ago

Display components side-by-side

We want to add the Notifications count component to our User Navigation, however, I cannot get theses to display side-by-side -- only on top of each other.


Below is what we have now, and an example of what we want.



Is this possible to do by editing the XML or another method?


Thank you!

3 Replies

  • PaoloT's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    10 years ago

    Hi lilim


    I am sure some CSS wizard will come up with a CSS only solution - while we wait for that, have you tried creating a custom layout in Studio with two columns in place of the single "private-notes" column, and then place each component in each sub column?


    Hope it helps

  • lilim's avatar
    10 years ago

    Hi PaoloT -


    I did try a three column layout like so:




    But there is too much space between the notification and PM counts as both are left aligned.


    If there is a way to split the private-notes column as seen in my first screenshot, I'd appreciate a direct to any documentation on this.



  • daphtan's avatar
    10 years ago

    For ours, under the common header, we created our own "special header" as seen in the screen shot below. 


    Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 2.15.55 PM.png


    Hope this helps!