Forum Discussion

omygoodness's avatar
9 years ago

Display results from Rest API call

I am trying to list all messages that have marked solutions like this:

<#-- Endpoint to serve all accepted solutions -->
<#assign apiVersion = "2.0"/>
<#assign x= rest(apiVersion, "/search/messages?filter=solvedThreads&solved=true") />


<title>Subject goes here</title>


If I go to:



I get XML with all I need but now I would like to know how to assign message attributes like subject to <title> in my endpoint XML

  • Few hours later I found solution to display all posts with accepted solutions - in this case it is simple rest call but you can build whatever call you want.

    If someone finds it useful I will be more then happy :)

    <#assign accepted_solutions = rest('/search/messages?filter=solvedThreads&solved=true').messages.message />

    <#list accepted_solutions as main_message>

     In result you get code for endpoint which produce simple formatted XML file

2 Replies

  • Few hours later I found solution to display all posts with accepted solutions - in this case it is simple rest call but you can build whatever call you want.

    If someone finds it useful I will be more then happy :)

    <#assign accepted_solutions = rest('/search/messages?filter=solvedThreads&solved=true').messages.message />

    <#list accepted_solutions as main_message>

     In result you get code for endpoint which produce simple formatted XML file