I am working on a custom component to display the TKB widget with id >sections.widget.sections-browser-taplet(For a particular category page) available under TKB section when creating custom page. ...
raguv12ps, Yes its possible to show this component using Roles permission API. API can give you the loggedin user roles, using the same you can check the role condition and show the Widget in custom component.
Parshant I am able to fetch the roles of the logged in user, but not sure how I can show the TKB widget in custom component.
Do we have any way to display the entire widget in custom component like the screenshot below. Currently the widget is added in my custom page and roles are configured for visibility for users.
Select whether you want the new page to be nested within other pages.
If you select the check box, the page will appear in the Custom Pages group in the components list in Studio > Page. You can drag and drop that page into another page. The Header and Footer components are examples of this feature. Note that the Custom Pages group only displays if you have created a custom page with Allow this page to be nested within other pages selected. A similar check box will appear in the Page tab when you view the custom page. You can change the setting in this view at any time.
Click Create.
The custom page now appears in the Page tab when you click the Choose link. The page will be in the Custom section.