Forum Discussion

sdodds's avatar
9 years ago

Display users of a specific role in widget

We have a category that only users of a certain rank/role can access. We used to have a group for this, but we added some interaction types (Ideas, Blogs, and TKB) so we changed it to a private category which worked better overall.


However, one thing we miss about the group is the Group Member List (ID: We'd love to show a widget that displays a list of all users within the role that has access to the category, in the same style as the Group Member list.


Is there a way to do this within Studio?

2 Replies

  • sdodds's avatar
    9 years ago

    Thank you VarunGrazitti!


    That likely is exactly what I need - however, I'm a relative noob at styling the results in freemarker. You wouldn't know if the existing component is something I can view and extract the freemarker code from? I'd love to simply replace the call for the group member list with the API call you provided (using the names of the new roles I'm creating) and benefit from a consistent widget style.