11 years agoAdvisor
Do not show the post if there is no post
Hi guys. I need some quick help. I have following code. Requirement: If There is no post then this div should not be visible in front end also same with View all Link: <div class="clearfix t...
- 11 years ago
bhupen - Below is the working code. You need to check the size of the result.
<#setting url_escaping_charset='ISO-8859-1'> <div class="clearfix two-latest-post"> <#assign messages = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE'${}' ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 5"?url) /> <#list as recent > <#if recent?has_content> <a href="${recent.view_href}">${recent.subject}</a><br/> </#if> </#list> <br/> <#if > 0> <!-- check the size of the response--> <a href=""><strong>See more Recent Posts</strong></a> </#if> </div>