Forum Discussion

ralemret's avatar
9 years ago

Downloading data from Lithium (DWH) / picking increments and other troubles


  1. We are not able to download the last changed USERS, there is simply now API for downloading  “last changed users between day and day-1*”.  There is not field for it and API does not support it. Also we would like to download  last changed users even if it was triggered by internal job, by another user or system. Simply last change even if change was not made by user. (it is not possible filter user according last_login_time for now, but this maybe not be sufficient) * - day is just example, it could be for the last minute(s), hour(s)..
  2. Is it possible to increase limit for fetching records from 25 to something awesome whopping?
  3. The biggest problem I see for now and for the future is relation between collections  M:N, for an example  - a user can has  more roles and a role can be assigned to more users. In the database it is usually done via mapping table storing the relations between roles and users (or other M:N entities). There is no way how we can download these  mapping tables. We can “guess/recreate it” by download users collection, than role collection and then for every(!) user get his roles. This is only one way how can it be done now and this will be incredible slowly. I am almost afraid that we will not be able to download it. (about 12 queries for very user with possible download only 25 rows during call)
  4. I have strong feeling that we use OLTP API for DWH and that is reason why there are many problems – does Lithium have any other interface suitable to download ALL THE DATA?

 Thank you in advice


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