Forum Discussion

wilderichsophus's avatar
9 years ago

Email Template - Getting User First Name From the Input

Hi Lithium Community,


A quick enquiry, we are currently trying to update the default user registration email template with a custom HTML template.


We are stuck at trying to find a way to pull-in user submitted First name field.

$user.first_name and $first_name doesn't seem to work.


Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.


Thank you.

  • wilderichsophus,


    Welcome to the Lithium Community. I'm sure you'll find this a very useful place.


    I'm not sure if you can achieve what you want to do, but I would guess that the vast majority of communities would use $user.login (username) as that's what community members are generally going to be referred to on the community - that's their chosen "name".


    Also, have you made completing the first name field when registering mandatory for community members? If not then obviously using the first name might not be a great idea for the notification.



    • wilderichsophus's avatar
      Hi Jason,

      Yes, I can pull in username using $user.login, though I was thinking for a bit more personalised greetings using first name - "Hi, John!"

      Yes, I have also made the first name field mandatory for this purpose.

      Thank you for the input, Jason.

  • wilderichsophus if this is possible to call api from your context, you could easily get user first_name and last_name.

    <#assign apiVersion = "2.0"/>
    <#assign user_id = 'user-id'>
    <#assign userQuery = "select first_name,last_name from users where id = '${user_id}' "/>
    <#assign usersData = rest(apiVersion, "/search?q=" + userQuery?url).data.items[0]/>

    Give Kudo if you find my post helpful.

    • wilderichsophus's avatar
      Hi tariq,

      I apologise for the late reply.

      I have been turning your recommended snippet upside down. I am afraid the HTML email template that sits inside Studio -> Text Editor -> Email Text does not execute API call.

      I am still researching for answer.

      Thank you.
    • irach15's avatar


      was you able to run your code in email template?

      Just looking at the reply bellow about not possible to use API calls in email templates.

      Alos, I believe first name and last name can be only vissible at Admin level...

      Let us know.

      Thank you.