Forum Discussion

srinivaskiranp's avatar
7 years ago

Email Temple alignment issue in Mac system

As per the need we modified the styling of the email templet for community, it is working fine in windows system. But facing alignment issue in Mac system in Outlook. 


looking for suggestion or help in this regards.



Srinivas Kiran.p


    srinivaskiranp Can you please share screenshot of alignment issues for better understanding?


    For email template, table structure must be used and for styling, always use  inline-style and  table's attributes like width, height, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, bg-color, bg-image, align etc together.In outlook, Table attributes works perfectly.


    e.g: If you want to align the table in center then, code should be as below:


    <table class="main inner_table" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#eee" cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0"  style="border-collapse: collapse; margin:0 auto; width:800px; background-color:#eee;" width="800">






