Forum Discussion

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Inactive User
6 years ago

Emoji and truncate

Hi all,

from this :

I try to use the allow allowElement combined with the html.truncate.

My problem is whenever emoji are inside my html, they don't display.

Did someone have a solution ?

My code :

<#assign messageId = 2505 />
<#assign response = restApiV2Utils.doQuery("SELECT id, subject, body FROM messages WHERE id = '${messageId}'") />

<#assign stripperOptions = utils.html.stripper.from.owasp.optionsBuilder
.build() />
<#assign strippedBody = utils.html.stripper.from.owasp.strip(messages.body, stripperOptions) />
<p class="truncate">${utils.html.truncate(250, strippedBody, "...")}</p> 

alexandraG Widade_H   

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