Forum Discussion

mayank's avatar
12 years ago

Enable community members to create groups but not have full rights to admin

I want to give permisson to user to create group.....but not have full access to admin

  • where you have created the role?
    In admin or in group?

    If you have created a role in Group, then it won't work.
    I will suggest to create role in Admin at community level.
    Then assign that role to a dummy user.
    I tried it in our community and it's working for me.

6 Replies

    1. I have added group add button on home page.,and it it clickable when i login with admin.

    2.I have created one new group role(group Creator) and give all permisson to that,and create one dummy user and assign him as a group Creator button is disappearing but not clickable.Please help..

  • Hi Mayank,

    You need to assign "create group" permission to grant for the role ( Group_creator).

    It gives the priviledge to the user to create the group.

    please refer the attached image.



  • mayank's avatar
    12 years ago

    I already tried it but it is not working.

  • mayank's avatar
    12 years ago

    I have to edit user (it is already in create group section)..but still i have to change it permission in permission-edit user and assing create role permission to it....please help?...


    Create group is already have create group permission but still i have to change permission thorugh edit user...please that once it is under create gorup list i dnt have to assign create group permission to it again and again.

  • where you have created the role?
    In admin or in group?

    If you have created a role in Group, then it won't work.
    I will suggest to create role in Admin at community level.
    Then assign that role to a dummy user.
    I tried it in our community and it's working for me.